by JDHURF » Wed Jan 09, 2013 8:06 pm
In response to your numbered points:
1) The Occupy movement is not all that vague. It is simply ideologically inclusive. This may be one of the most impressive and inspiring features I've seen, having been so dissappointed with the sectarian splintering and in-fighting so notorious among the Left.
2) No doubt there are people involved who would endorse Zizek. No doubt this is an even smaller faction within activist circles as it is within academic circles. Inasmuch as they were/are involved with Occupy, they respect(ed) the horizontal and direct democratic methods of the Occupy Movement despite any ideology advocating anything contrary.
3) I will again put the following question to you: I've tried to familiarize myself with Zizek's work insomuch as I like to know what it is that I am criticizing. I've read In Defense of Lost Causes and much of Violence, I would think the two most relevant books in this regard, but I don't recall Zizek advocating violence. Perhaps you could reacquaint me with this aspect of Zizek's work?
4-5) Smearing the overwhelmingly nonviolent Occupy Movement with such trivial nonsense as this is shameless propaganda and nothing more.