by exploited » Wed Mar 22, 2017 10:03 am
So far I'm about two hours in. I've experienced some slowdowns in FPS but my card isn't great so I'm not concerned about that. The game itself looks alright. Story so far is alright... Not sure what the reviewers were on about in re: not setting up your Pathfinder status in a decent way. It took like an hour story to get that status and the story of how is decently emotional, and is clearly being setup for more impact as you play. Also, while it doesn't explicitly talk about the morality of colonization, there are plenty of hints and little comments that address it from different characters perspectives.
Over all, it has been fun to play.
The UI does suck as much as they say. And the human animations are shit.
So far, I'd give it 7-8/10. It is a decent game, not a masterpiece.