by John Galt » Wed Feb 07, 2018 4:04 pm
i think money spent on training (no more train by watching videos on how to drive ships, Navy) and on increasing the amount of both people and ships in the Navy would be a much better use of resources than a f**k parade. our ships are 10% understaffed, people are working in shifts back to back so that they end up being up for over a day straight, our navy is stretched so thin with its demands and the amount of ships needing to meet those demands that things are dropping, our officers literally were trained by watching video training on how ships should work, and then we wonder why our ships run into other ships? spend money on things that matter
also, who has parades?
France. Russia. North Korea.
if we have parades we're debasing ourselves down to the level of those pitiful countries. we are making a big show, making ourselves look like we're bigger than we are. which in turn means we feel like we need to show off. f**k THAT NOISE. we don't put it in show biz. we spend it on the next big thing. lets get some f**k lasers up in here
Americans learn only from catastrophe and not from experience. -- Theodore Roosevelt
My life has become a single, ongoing revelation that I haven’t been cynical enough.